What Day Of The Week Is It?
January 3, 2020
The one thing about breaks from school is that I tend to get way off my normal schedule and forget what day it is. Luckily during the summer, swim team keeps us in check with regularity.
But on winter break, all rules and sleep schedules go out the window. Normally, I’m up by 6:30am but lately I’ve been sleeping into 8. My thought is that my body really needed the rest and I’m happy to take the extra sleep. It helps that we recently got a super warm and heavy Ugg blanket that forces me to stay in bed. And if you’re looking for eco-friendly throw blankets, make sure to check out In2Green collections!
In a couple days, the kids will be back in school, but for now we will stay in our jammies all day, throw all electronics rules out the window and spend the rest of break literally taking the word to heart.
Seriously, do you know what day of the week it is?