walk dog
Life's Moments

When The Ideas Stop Flowing…

November 8, 2019

I take a walk. As the weather is getting colder, it’s becoming harder to get outside with the dog for her daily walk. I know she needs the exercise, but the blankets and warmth of my house urge me to stay inside.

The calling to go out and take the walk is so much stronger than staying comfortable in my home. First and foremost, it’s for the dog, but a close second the walk is for me. It’s only about 20 minutes but in that time I’ve closed out all distractions and let the ideas start flowing again.

Earlier this morning, I stared at my computer screen trying to will the words out of my body onto the keyboard, but nothing came. I was also trying to figure out what I was going to write for my daily article. Nothing.

All it took was a quiet walk with my dog to get the juices moving. I begin every walk by asking myself what does my heart want to talk about and then I begin talking. I don’t force anything and all I’m doing is asking myself questions. The rest flows naturally. When I get home, I make sure to get out a notebook or the notes app on my phone in order to jot down what ahs come up on our walk.

It’s miraculous how all I need is 20 minutes of quiet, alone time with God, the universe, nature and my heart to produce my next idea.

What do you do when you feel a creative block?


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