Why Do We Divide And Conquer?
January 4, 2020
With four kids, it can be difficult to get one on one time with each child. One tradition that has made it feasible to get more alone time happens during winter break. Gaga and Papa take two of the kids for an overnight visit one day and then swap out the other two on another day.
While my husband and I divide and conquer most weekends with activities, this allows us to get dedicated time to spend with half our children. We are able to have conversations with them and do things they like instead of having to go with the flow.
Having grandparents who love spending time with our kids makes this process smooth like butter. They love having a night away from home to get to fun things they wouldn’t normally get to do.
To be honest, we get a chance to rest when all four of them aren’t home. The fighting and bickering is less and so is the noise level. Obviously, we miss them when they are gone but the break is also great for everyone. The old adage about distance makes the heart grow fonder is so true.
How do you spend alone time with your children?