It’s Possible To Declutter 10,000 Items
August 29, 2019
As we continue to tackle our basement remodel, I find this WAS the one place that was harder to minimalize. Many of the items downstairs were not mine. I encouraged my family to clean out their stuff, but some of them like to hold onto everything.
During this transformation of finishing off this living space, they are forced to look at their things and see if it’s something they really need. We are closing off our crawl spaces making the amount of storage space decrease! For storage units Lynchburg call Timberwest Storage.
Yes, I am happy about this because the space is going to become a beautiful space without the clutter. Today, we purged one of our storage areas as we prep the area for walls. I thanked everything we got rid of for being apart of our life and then sent them off to the curb or my trunk (headed to donate).
Over the past year, I set the intention to declutter our house of 10,000 things and while I kept track to about 5000, I know we have gotten rid of so much more. I love the feeling of having things that bring us joy, that we use on the daily, and sending things off that don’t vibe with us any longer.
Have you ever done KonMari to your house?