I am grateful for…the chance to ENJOY IT ALL!
FIRST OFF, YOU ROCK!!! I want to start off this holiday season by expressing all my feels of gratitude to you for showing up and being a presence in my life.
So whether you are spending time with family and friends tomorrow, hosting an intimate dinner, doing it up big or hanging out with number one, ENJOY IT ALL.
The holidays are known to stress people out. The past couple years, we have begun our season of giving in a low key way. It might have started 8 years ago on Thanksgiving morning when my second little bundle of joy arrived to remind me to slow down and ENJOY IT ALLl.
While I love getting together with my big, loud and albeit crazy family, I also like to take the day to relax with my party of six. During the year, our schedules keep us on the constant move so when we get the chance to stop and pause all day with no distractions, a couple times a year, I really do get to ENJOY IT ALL!
The next month will be filled with other festivities, so it’s nice to have this one day where I cook a gigantic meal, watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade, stay at a family friendly hotel in Laguna Beach, play games, stay in my jammies till noon and then realize that my youngest has only eaten a roll all day long.
No matter who you spend the day with or what you end up doing,ENJOY IT ALL! The little moments here and there, the cooking with your kids, the family drama (we all know it will happen), the family drunk (you also know that person is coming), the laughter, and the food.
We all have a favorite dish we can’t live without . Mine is cornbread stuffing AND Betty Crocker’s apple pie with a crumbly crust!
Drop a comment below with the one thing that MUST be on the dinner table tomorrow for Thanksgiving or you won’t show up!