I am grateful for…relaxing evenings!
Right now we are in between sports seasons and while the kids love having activities to go to, we also love the break.
It was one of those evenings that we had no where to be, there was no rushing around and we were able to do things together as a family.
On busy nights, dinner is quick, dishes are thrown in the sink and the house looks like a tornado has blown through it.
Tonight, we did things at a much slower place, I got dishes in the dishwasher and started it. My daughter started a load of laundry and we sat down at the dinner table as a family of six to eat and chat about the day all together.
Five of the six of us enjoyed the meal ( there’s always one) and bedtime was a breeze cause I didn’t feel like I was missing something.
I like giving my kids activities but sometimes it does feel really good to slow down for a bit and totally enjoy one another’s company!