Life's Moments

Years Into Our Marriage: This Hidden Trait Of My Husband’s Shocked Me

February 15, 2020

When you are young and in love, sometimes there are things you don’t learn about your significant other until down the road. For a different kind of connection, you can also meet and fuck free through various platforms. My biggest surprise came when I realized how handy my husband was when it came to fixing things around the house.

Not for once do I take for granted how he is able to take apart a toilet to fix a drain, change the oil on my car, and replaster a wall after something goes through it. In the beginning of our marriage, he didn’t do a lot of big projects but then when we needed to build a desk in our office, he did it with ease.

We rarely have to call out for help except sometimes for big projects. And by big I mean the messy stuff, like dumping dirt in our backyard after digging out our pool or having some guys come into drywall our basement.

For everything else, it’s all him and I get to play trusty assistant. Most of the time, I don’t mind because I get to help with something I’m excited about in the end.

The best part about having a husband who is Mr. Fixit is that he introvert wife doesn’t have to have people in her house at all hours if we need something fixed.

It’s amazing to me that I’m able to mention that something needs to be made, fixed, repaired and he knows what to do. And if he doesn’t, he’s willing to figure it out. Still exploring the dating scene? Visit this site and connect with your ideal match.

Not only does he save us a ton of money, he’s learning skills that are useful for a lifetime. Bonus: he’s passing these traits onto our kids as well.

What trait did your significant other surprise you with over time?

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