Why My Daily Writing Habit Has Become Difficult During Lockdown
May 12, 2020
Wake up. Usually with the dog anywhere between 4:30-5:30am.
Try to fall back asleep. If unsuccessful, journal and meditate.
Get the kids breakfast.
Take shower. Prepare for day.
9am – start school with the kids. We follow the same schedule each weekday. A daily walk and my yoga time is included and we usually go until about 2:30/3pm.
Most days after school we play outside, turn on electronics, read all the books or play games.
Eat dinner, mess around for a bit then get ready for bed.
All to wake up and do it again the next day.
At the beginning of the stay at home order, I had lots to write about because we were embarking on something new.
Now we have fallen into a new routine. Frankly, one that is mundane even as we try to spice it up. (Like the TWO puzzles we completed that were both missing one piece…)
At least before the Coronavirus came to the US, our schedule allowed us to go places.
Whenever, I ask of someone wants to go to the store with me, it’s a fight for who gets to leave the house.
Pretty soon, we will be released into the world again but our normal has changed so much, it will be another period of transition.
The one thing about summer is we won’t have school work to occupy our time so fingers crossed that the pool will be able to open or we will all likely be staring at the wall.
How are you maintaining your sanity?