When All You Want Is A Little Alone Time…
December 7, 2019
With four kids, our weekends are filled with sports. Usually there is downtime in the afternoons but now that we are full force into the holiday season, there are so many other activities to do. What this means for someone who needs time to herself is that I have to be very deliberate about carving out time to hide from my children.
I love December and all the fun it brings. I love going to different places to do crafts, spending lots of time with my family. But some times, all I want to do after a packed day is curl up on the couch where no one knows my name is MOM, MOM, MOM and read my book.
Half of my kids are introverts and will go off alone to do their own thing when we get home and the other two are cuddlers. I have one that doesn’t like to be by himself at all. This calls for deep breaths, finding something to occupy his time and grab a few minutes to myself.
How do my fellow introverts maneuver the holidays?