Where Do Our Priorities Lie?
There are so many things I am doing in my professional life as a writer. I make it my goal to write daily, edit my YA book series, write a romance novel, write other adult fiction and continue writing non-fiction articles. Sounds lofty? It is.
Considering my biggest job is taking care of my four young children. I don’t look at them as an excuse for my slack in writing this summer. Instead I see it as a shifting of priorities. When they are in school, I allow myself to hole up at my computer and write till my heart’s content.
During the summer, I’ll admit I get easily distracted by playing games, going to the pool, reading books, enjoying life and going on adventures.
Motherhood has always been my number one career choice. As the kids have gotten older, I have set my sights on other avenues aside from them. The thing I remember now is there is always time to write and create, but I will never have a second chance at experiencing their childhood.
This is why I chose to be a stay at home mom to be around for the milestones. Come August 15, I will come back to writing full force, but for now my entire focus is on being present for my kids while they are home.