When Trading Dolls For Makeup Becomes Too Real
February 12, 2020
The days of Barbie dolls and stuffed animals are too quickly coming to an end for my daughter.
She’s at an age where we are trading dolls for mascara. The difference between sixth and seventh grade is proving to be a bigger gap than I would have expected.
When she came home from school the other day, she frantically set down her chrome book and began logging into the school website.
The time is upon us when she now has to schedule classes for the foreseeable future. No longer will she have one or two teachers for all her subjects.
In a few short months, we will be in a world of switching classes and lockers to store your belongings. Homerooms where you can leave your things each night won’t exist and having an extra layer of responsibility is creeping up.
Our carefree days of little to no homework are ending and as my eight year old mentioned, she’s going to college is six years…sad!
What season of life are you entering and how are you handling it?