The Elusive “I’m Bored”
September 7, 2019
Next to the question, “Why?”, “I’m bored” strikes a cord with parents all around the world. Or in at least in my house it does. I embrace the bored but sometimes they don’t go along with it as much as I would like them to.
Eventually, it leads to imaginative play, science projects, arts and crafts, Legos and more. For your arts and crafts, you may consider glue guns that have strong adhesives for angles.
But today I realized there is a way to stop the incessant saying of the phrase “I’m bored.”
I had to get down to there level with the consequence and figure out something that would mean more to them if taken away. They love their electronic time, so I told them each time I hear the words “I’m bored” come out of their mouths BEFORE they can get on their devices then I would deduct 5 minutes from their start time.
Well, that did the trick, I had to figure out a way to let them see what was in it for them and prove to them that this is really happening. It worked. I had to figure out what their currency was today and how I could also not have whining in the house.
I’d say that’s a win-win for everyone.
How do you reach your kids on their level?