Little By Little Does The Trick
September 29, 2019
Daily yoga, reading 20 minutes a day, or doing 10 minutes of math facts. It’s all about doing a small daily action that leads to something big. Of course, there are millions of other things I can list, but today my seven year old showed me how doing small things adds up in the end.
A couple weeks ago, he decided he wanted to read Harry Potter. In our house, when you finish a book, we watch the movie that goes along with it. So he plotted out how many chapters were left and when that would mean we could have movie time. He actually finished early, as I knew he would, cause you don’t want to stop at the last couple chapters. You have to keep going.
The same thing happened today with his multiplication facts. He’s been working on those for a couple weeks and getting frustrated that he wasn’t completing the assignment fast enough. I explained to him that sometimes we need an extra couple days of practice to get them ingrained in the membrane, ingrained in the brain. (I had to, haha and yes, I know it’s insane).
He passed the test today and was so excited to move onto division. I reminded him that doing a little bit each day really adds up.
His lessons gave me the reminder that I’m not going to become an all flexible yoga in without doing a bit of yoga each day.
What are you doing a little bit of each day to build to something bigger?