Life's Moments

Listen To The Nudge From The Universe

November 12, 2019

It’s funny how time does make the heart grow fonder. I’ve been reading lots of young adult fantasy and loving the way that story plays out with a little bit of lightheartedness and then drama. Some of the series’ I’ve been reading are set in a Dystopian era and I love the futuristic side of it all.

Today, I got a nudge from the universe to revisit my book I wrote, because it’s has lots of these qualities. The first draft of the book is done, but it needs major edits. I am excited to put this book out into the world but I think I really needed a lot of time away from the first copy to let it all settle into tackle the book and make it what I really want it to be.

I’ve gotten into a routine of writing everyday and I’m ready to add another piece to my career and that’s publishing this book. For awhile I thought the first draft was going to be all I could handle, but delving back into my novel will be like reading a new book. That’s exciting.

What projects have you put on the back burner only to pull back out again?

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