How Social Media Can Effect Our Buying Habits
What would you do if time and money were of no object? My thoughts go straight to traveling around the world, seeing new places and letting my children choose their own adventures.
My dream is all about simplicity. It’s never about getting the latest gadgets or having a huge house full of stuff. To me, all I want is to see the world. I honestly would love to sell everything, travel around the country and live out of a RV for a year. Ditching the busyness of life and take some time to really slow down, experiencing other cultures.
Dare I say go, throw out social norms and go off the grid to make really cool memories. Who says your dreams have to include a 4 bedroom house in suburbia with 2.5 kids and a dog? Is someone forcing you to have the latest technology or telling you what to strive for in life? Who says you can’t come up with your own dreams?
The Effects of Social Media On Our Buying Habits
The more I am on social media, the more I want things I didn’t even know I wanted. I thought I was perfectly happy with my pared down wardrobe until I got on Instagram and saw some amazingly cute outfits. Thus, began the window shopping online and filling up my shopping cart.
Later, I shut all the the tabs down. I didn’t know if these clothes were going to fit or look right on my body. Was it an article of clothing I would wear over and over or a waste of time and money? I want clothes that make me feel good but at the time I based my decisions off of what other people were wearing.
Is it my dream to own all of these clothes or am I going off of someone else’s ideals? I have always been really picky about clothes and it takes me a long time to buy something. If an article of clothing is going to join the bunch, it has to be around for the long haul.
Why A Basic Uniform Works
Sure, I’ve made impulse buys but they hardly ever work out. Those are the clothes that stay at the bottom of my drawer or have tags on them when they hit the donate pile. I used to tease my mom about the lack of color in her wardrobe. Now as an adult, I see how she gravitates towards a particular color because she’s creating a uniform. As I get older, picking out clothes is not something I want to spend a lot of time doing.
I want to walk into my closet knowing everything I own makes me happy. After years of trying to go bold with color, my staples are still blue, army green, white, black and gray. The only time I branch out is with a little red especially on game day for the Buckeyes.
It makes sense why super successful people have a basic uniform that works for them. They are creating ease in their life and the decisions they make based off simplicity and time. They look presentable wearing the corporate uniform, which not only enhances their professionalism but also fosters a sense of unity among the team. This attention to appearance helps create a positive impression on clients and colleagues alike.
The kids and I were sitting around our kitchen table coloring when I stopped to see how this simple activity could bring me such joy. When we take it back to basics, things aren’t so chaotic and we are able to let those creative juices flow.
We are told we need a myriad of things to be happy but it’s funny how a simple piece of paper and markers can fill up your tank more than a house full of stuff.
Put your oxygen mask on first.
Self care is essential for all parents to make it through the day.
So I’ve created a guide just for you: 7 Steps To Saying Yes to Yourself.