Blog,  Social Media Challenge

Breaking All The Social Media and Blogging Rules

Social Media Break: Day 19

Oh you rebel, you! When I started this challenge 19 days ago, the goal had nothing to do with blogging. I wanted to record my experience gaining insight for myself and while I was at it I might as well put it up on my website. What a great way to stay connected to my social friends and let them know how I am doing during my hiatus.

It felt like I was going back to my blogging roots in the days when all I was doing was sharing my story and that was it.

It was mostly for my mom and grandma, but who’s keeping track???

I loved writing but as my audience grew so did the business side. I increased the amount of research and Googling I did to figure out how to get the biggest audience in order to have the most influence equaling a bigger paycheck. By the time I sold my first blog/business, I was completely burnt out and writing became a chore. I no longer wanted to write even though I really liked doing it. There was too much stuff I “should” be doing on top of the writing like marketing myself, working on deadlines for paid articles, Facebook, newsletter, Twitter, Linkedin, analytics, interviews, podcasts, email,etc. I was overwhelmed and the passion had fizzled.

I swore I would never go back to blogging but the bug kept biting. I’ve started at least five different books but have not finished them due to distraction. I started blogging here and there again in 2016 but nothing was consistent.

As I have been documenting this journey, I realize how much more time I have to do the things I love: i.e. writing. I get out the pen and paper to let my thoughts take over and then blog the outcome. It’s been such an amazing outlet that will definitely continue after this particular 30 days is over.

I love having the task of a daily post to keep my brain active and harness the feeling of creating a good habit. It keeps me accountable and I am learning things about myself that wouldn’t arise if I didn’t take the time to sit and let it all out.

This morning on the way to the gym, the lightbulb turned on.

Cue the angels. Hallelujah!

The reason I am tentaive about blogging and returning to social media is because I am under the notion that in order to grow my brand there are certain rules I HAVE to follow. The problem is those rules were the cause of my obsession. My need to follow the current and do what has worked best for others instead of looking inward. What I really want to achieve is genuine conversations from my articles and authentic engagement on my social media accounts. I want to rise above the noise and question the status quo. I want people to know they are getting a real person and not a robot looking for the next buck. I want people to know they are connecting with someone who is looking out for their best interest and wants to have that dialogue.

I have read so many articles, taken more ecourses on how to grow my business, my list, and my reach than I can count. When all is said and done when I tap into my own knowledge, I know exactly what to do to accomplish this growth.

The question lies in whether or not it is authentic to me and my mission. What I really want to do is write and share, everywhere and anywhere that I can reach people with my story. I invite simplicity and ease into everything I do and if it feels wrong in my soul than it’s not right for me. So while I will not be following the trend on what people expect from a blog or social media account, I will be keeping it real. I’m going to grow completely organically allowing as much time as I can to do all the things that bring me happiness and spending lots of time with my family.

Time is our most precious commodity!


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