The Holidays Are A Reminder To Slow Down
November 29, 2019
The holidays are a reminder to me how I want our reality to be. Relaxing together as a family, eating around the table, playing games and generally enjoying life with less stress. Thanksgiving gave me the kick in the butt to slow down and relish in the simplicity that we have going on.
There are no should or must do’s. There is love, joy and happiness. It’s not about the craziness of shopping and attending every party during the season. It’s about doing what makes you happy. The holidays are about following your heart and what feels best to you.
Christmas Cards? Send them only if it makes you feel good.
Decorations and Lights? Only if they warm your soul.
Presents? You do you!
The only tradition you have to follow is the one that allows you to be able to truly enjoy it all.
How do you like the holidays? Pack it all in or take it slow?