Taking It One Day At A Time
December 14, 2019
I love how chill our family is with 11 days left till Christmas. We go with the flow and take each day at a time. If I look too far into our calendar, I get overwhelmed with what this next week is going to bring.
But today, we had two basketball games and then I headed off to the library on my own to bask in my love of books. Whenever I feel like too much is going on, I make sure to pause and pick up a book. It has a calming effect on me and I could read all day long.
Hence, the stack of books always sitting on my desk or on my nightstand. Right now, it’s time to think about what we are doing for dinner, but instead, I think we are going to snuggle up and watch a little Harry Potter before the night comes to a close.
Who knows? It might be a carry in night or a fend for yourself type of evening. I know the questions will be flooding me soon with everyone wanting to know what is for dinner, but for now movie afternoon commences.
How do you cap off a full weekend?