I’m Too Old For Superficial, Casual Friendships
The other day I gave my daughter grief over not seeing her friends that much this summer. It’s almost as if school brings a constant stream of kids to my house wanting sleepovers. This lull confused me as she is always asking if people can come over. I asked her what was up, did something happen? No, I want to be home and hang out with you guys. Huh, usually she wants nothing to do with us. Granted, she starts every morning with swim team practice but the rest of the day is hers. But once she said she would rather be home, I stopped my “mom nagging.” I let it go because this is me.
She likes being around people but when it’s time to decompress, the comfort of home is best. After being in school for nine months, she’s needs a break from everything. If that means not being around her friends than kudos to her for knowing how to take care of herself.
Most days, she occupies herself with projects, slime (ugh), reading and swimming. Occasionally, I’ve hear the word bored uttered, but usually she is doing her own thing. The only time I need her to find something is when I require personal space. Now that the kids are home, someone is always around. While I like spending time with them, I also need my alone time to recharge.