Daily Gratitude

I am grateful for…handwriting.

Handwriting is a lost art and I love that in school we were taught cursive. It makes me realize even a regular journal entry can feel like a beautifully written letter to a pen pal in a far away land.

As I was out on the football field tonight with my son enjoying the fall air, I got to doing my daily writing for today and reflect upon what happened today to add into my book.

On top of it all, writing has always been something I had to work at because I had a disadvantage from the start. I didn’t let my so called “handicap” stop me from figuring out how to excel on my own. I love being left handed and it makes my writing unique.

I’ve learned how to write without getting pencil markings all over my hand and how to make sure to not let my hand cramp up.

Writing is my creative outlet and the more I can make it every time the more I want to keep doing it all day long!


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