February Is The Month Of Self-Love
Social Media Break: Day 25 Last night was the first time I had really spoken to anyone about how the social media break is going. When my mom called me, it was really…
Finding Peace From The Chaos By Connecting With Nature
Social Media Break: Day 24 It’s like a complete 180! My days look so much different than before this hiatus began. They have a calm and peace to them. For the most part. …
Multi-tasking Does Not Equal Higher Productivity
Social Media Break: Day 23 All at once, a jolt of productivity kicked in without that feeling of being busy. I’ve been reading books and articles about simplicity and focus and the biggest…
The New Habit Took 21 Days to Form!
Social Media Break: Day 22 Today was that moment of realization that this break from social media has finally become a habit. Research says it takes 21-30 days for something new to stick…
Embracing More Ease and Simplicity Through My Social Media Break
Social Media Break: Day 21 For some reason, I had marked off March 5th in my calendar as my return to social media. It turns out when I calculate it out, that is…