Simple Everyday Moments Are The Ones That Mean The Most
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 19 & 20 For years, I’ve been fed phrases like Dream Big, Set goals that scare you, and hustle hard streaming into my life on a daily…
Stop Comparing. Your Life Story is Already Amazing
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 18 Sometimes when you make small changes, it’s more difficult to see when it is working. The motivation isn’t always there to keep you on track until…
Free Yourself From The Toddler Like Tantrum Of The Ego
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 16 & 17 Like attracts like and it’s no different for habits. On days when I want to sit around, watch movies and be on my phone,…
We Are All Human, Eat The Cookie!
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 15 We all have those days when we want to lie around and totally veg out. What happens with this is the snacks have no problem coming…
I Might Be Addicted To Sugar
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 13 “Pour some sugar on me!” When something you want is gone, your focus is on finding on a reasonable or better replacement. My sugar habit is…