Blog,  No Eating After Dinner Challenge

Simple Everyday Moments Are The Ones That Mean The Most

No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 19 & 20

For years, I’ve been fed phrases like Dream Big, Set goals that scare you, and hustle hard streaming into my life on a daily basis but for some reason it didn’t click with me. I’m all for getting out of your comfort zone but not everyone has big audacious life goals that will impact the masses. The more I look at my daily routine, the more I see how they will lead me to the life I want.

Things like:

  • Drinking an extra glass of water
  • Not eating after 7pm
  • Getting up 20 minutes early to meditate
  • Carving out time each day to move my body
  • Not starting the day with my phone
  • Write something each day

This is more feasible than say write bestselling book, become professional athlete, find cure for cancer  or advance technology. These small changes help me to be a better person, woman, wife and mother. When I take inventory of what these daily habits are doing for my overall health, it is astronomical:

  • Letting my thinking mind have space
  • My patience is better
  • Make clearer decisions
  • Saying no to things that are not a Hell YES!
  • I am able to breathe
  • Recognize when I fall and pick myself up much quicker.
  • I can see when I begin to spiral out of control and know what I need to do to get back on track.

All these small habits are something that make me who I am today and I am grateful for each one. I remember what it was like before I implemented these into my routine and while I haven’t made huge, drastic changes these have made a world of difference in my everyday life.

I am not stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel instead I have taken myself off autopilot so I am the one controlling the vehicle. Being intentional about making time for these daily rituals allows me not to cruise through life but truly experience each day.

Not every day is jammed packed with adventure, but that’s ok because it’s the everyday moments that mean the most. I have opened up to be present instead of distracted by outside forces. So while the small changes aren’t the amazing transformations we see, they are indeed the ones that make the biggest impact on who we are as people. They make us aware that the world is not centered around us.

They do not only affect us but how we interact with the people we love and surround ourselves with every single day.



Put your oxygen mask on first.

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