A Life Centered Around Food Is Leading To Obsession
Sure, we all need to food to live, but when you are a mother of four to pre-teens and teenagers, your life is centered and obsession over the next meal. Every day, all…
What Happened When I Stopped Eating After Dinner For One Month
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Days 29, 30 & 31 As we wrap up this month’s challenge of no eating after dinner, the simplicity of this task was more difficult to journal about…
All I Want To Do Is Embrace My Body And All It’s Imperfections
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 25, 26 & 27 Yesterday was one of those, day I say, busy days. There was errand after errand to the dropping off a kid to a…
A Day Of Indulgence Can Remind You To Be Laser Focused
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 23 & 24 From the outside looking in, it looks like I have been slacking on my daily writing, only documenting every couple days. Truth be told,…
What Happens When A Daily Self Care Ritual Is Missed
No Eating After Dinner Challenge: Day 21 & 22 Parenting kicked my butt the other day in lieu of a sick child. Being up with him most of the night made me really…