I am grateful for… My Birthday!
🍰 cred: the Fatica kids
I look at my birthday as the ideal time to reflect upon year 35 and set new goals for year 36.
The last couple weeks I’ve been in a reflective mode preparing and really figuring what is speaking to my soul in terms of my passion.
I’ve been saying and starting “my next book” for the past 8 years but this is the year it is going to happen!
And this is why:
I’ve been a writing machine lately and I want to keep self motivating myself to write on a daily basis.
Today I’m publicly declaring to take it one step further and each day I will do a short piece on gratitude. Choosing someone or something I’m grateful for and posting it on my website (http://abbeyfatica.com)!
The White Wisteria will still be live with projects and I will post our renos as they happen to share that part of our life but it is not my focus.
This book I’ve started is my story and how I’ve taken the time to get to know me, work on being a better version of myself and inspiring other moms to take time for themselves but in a way that works for their family. I will continue to share my daily story with you as to gather more material for my book.
This is 36!!!!