Rest Is Good For The Body And Soul
July 5, 2019
Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays of the year. As a family we unplug and spend time together celebrating the independence of our country. Our town recently extended the festivities over two days instead of one which actually worked out well for us. We watched the fireworks on the third and then did our version the following evening after building a fire and going to the pool.
Today, however, we crashed. It was one of those days when I put the kibosh on our electronics rule and let the kids have a day to do and watch whatever they wanted. For the rest of the summer, I’ve held true to our established set of time they are allotted each day.
All I wanted to do was lay in my bed and read a beach read I had found from a google search of romance novels (Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston). It was totally not what I was expecting but pleasantly surprise by it’s delivery. I thought the title was appropriate for the week and it does brooch some subjects that we are dealing with currently in our country.
While I was immersed in my book, I let the kids do the same with movies and their kindles. After playing card games all week, I was ready for some rest. By the way, relearning Egyptian Rat Screw, BS, Nerts, and Golf hit a nostalgic nerve back to my childhood.
Back to regular scheduled programming tomorrow with an early morning swim meet. But today, we rest!