The Forced Togetherness Is Taxing On Your Nerves, Unless You Do This One Thing…
March 24, 2020
As cheesy as it sounds: gratitude. When the kids start bickering or I’m done for the day, I remind myself to think of something good about that person. We are all in an unprecedented era and no one has prepared for this much togetherness.
Many people are used to doing their thing, taking kids here and there, running groceries without having to stay six feet apart, and casually going about their day. Being cooped up in the house with your family, whom you love, can be fun BUT they start to get on your nerves.
Our house is full of introverts, so I have to make sure everyone gets their alone time during the day. You can tell as soon as I make the call, because everyone retreats to their own little area.
In those times and in the interim as I’m cleaning the 1278934th dish of the day, I think of how grateful I am for so many things. This small act will get my family and I through this change.
At bedtime, we always talk about what we are grateful for today. My kids usually say the same thing over and over, but I’ve started challenging them to think bigger. I remind them to appreciate the abundance we live in currently and continue to be grateful for that.
As much negativity and fear is floating around in the world, I want my kids to realize how much they have right now. To be grateful for their health, family, home, basic needs met and so much more. In this way, they are able to feel compassion for people that are hurting right now and being a light for those who have darkness.
How are you showing gratitude for the people in your house?