How to Raise A Confident Child? Let Them Wear The Tutu!
Before my daughter even came into this world, I stood in her nursery after my first baby shower staring at the abundance of clothes we received. Immediately, I put together coordinating outfits with…
Did Being A Stay At Home Mom Really Lead Me To My Dream Job?
My dream job has always been to be a stay at home mom. Some kids grow up wanting to be a doctor, teacher, bus driver (No? Just me at age 5), President of…
How You Know It’s Time To Transition To Natural Gray Hair
Do you remember when you found your first strand of gray hair erupting from your head? Yeah, it’s pretty much like that. For most people, it’s a core memory. Devastating at the least,…
What Lessons I Learned From My 30 Day Social Media Detox?
There is so much noise coming at you from all over the internet and if you’re like me, it can make you anxious. So you take to Google and search for ways to…
Spill The Tea On Your First Real Encounter With A Gen-Z
I know what you’re thinking. Ok, boomer… Not even close. I live with four Gen-Z’s, but since I’m with them all the time I’ve never experience one in real life. According to the…