Is It Possible For Our Kids To Return To Normalcy?
May 22, 2020
As we wrap up the end of the school year, I feel as if there is lack of closure. My kids didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to their teachers.
Many activities that took place to close out the year like the pancake breakfast, fun day, clap outs and picnics were lost in the shuffle.
Most of the time, I’m pretty go with the flow, see the glass half full type of girl. While I understand the reasoning behind the government keeping the kids out of school due to the worldwide pandemic, I can’t help but think about what next year is going to be.
From what I’ve read, my kids will have to wear masks, sit alone on the bus, eat lunch in the classroom, keep a distance of six feet apart, play alone during recess basically forgoing normal childhood behavior.
More than the fact that my children missed the last 9 weeks of school for the 2019-2020 year, what is in store for them makes me sadder.
It’ll be great to get them back into the classroom but at what cost. Is it going to be fun as in the past or is it going to feel like a jail sentence?
I keep hearing about how we have to adjust to the new normal and I understand how change is inevitable but what I want most for my children to return to school environment encouraging them to want to learn.
This is not about me wanting my alone time back but instead giving my children the opportunity to learn new things from people qualified to teach them these skills.
As we watched our teachers drive by yesterday in a parade through our neighborhoods, it was bittersweet. We got to physically see there faces which is a step up from our google hangouts. But they missed out the hugs goodbye sending them off into summer.
What I wish for my kids is to return to a school where they have a semblance of normalcy. A place where our teachers don’t have to play mask and sanitizer police. A place where our kids can come to learn and grow as a unit.
This might not be feasible in our current situation but I think it’s better to teach our children to work through obstacles than to live in a world of fear.